4 Common Misconceptions About VoIP Technology
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4 Common Misconceptions About VoIP Technology
Sometimes it seems like beneficial or innovative solutions are left largely unused. In the case of running a business, that often means potential savings are missed, efficiencies are not taken advantage of, and both growth and profitability are stalled.

Today, one such solution is a VoIP phone system, and one explanation for this is that many business owners believe the following common misconceptions about the service. Let’s clear things up and learn the truth to see how a VoIP phone system can make a difference for nearly any business.

Misconception #1: VoIP Costs Too Much

VoIP represents new technology, which means it costs more than existing technology, right? Wrong. Often, VoIP actually offers businesses fantastic savings when compared directly to traditional phone systems.

Not only will a VoIP business phone system provide head to head savings for regular calls, but it will also provide added benefits and features, with little to no extra costs. This eliminates the need for expensive add-on services, such as video calling or web conferencing, offering even more bottom-line improvement.

Misconception #2: VoIP is Unreliable

This myth gained traction in the very early days of VoIP. At that time, Internet speeds, bandwidth, and congestion led to occasional issues with call quality and overall reliability. This is far from the case today. Businesses with high-speed Internet connections will have rock-solid reliability and connectivity with their VoIP phone systems.

Misconception #3: VoIP is For Larger Enterprises Only

Another common misconception is that while VoIP might sound great, it’s only for the big boys – large enterprise organizations and multinational corporations. That’s far from the truth.

One of the strengths of a VoIP phone system is its scalability. Small and medium sized businesses across all industries can benefit greatly from VoIP, while positioning themselves in a strong place for the future, allowing for flexibility and growth as needs change and evolve.

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Gain in-depth insights into the importance of keeping your phone system instep with your business’ growth. This free e-book covers how VOIP provides “Scalability” to you phone system, allowing you to adapt to your business’ ever-changing needs easily and cost effectively.

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Misconception #4: Equipment & Installation is Expensive

Many business owners are scared away from switching to VoIP because of the perception that equipment and installation are expensive. Why switch only to pay more upfront for the privilege? The truth is VoIP can easily mesh into existing office technology and systems. Based on the principle of flexibility, with VoIP, businesses don’t have to pay for what they don’t need, either.

Additionally, future changes, whether expanding capacity or upgrading to new technology, are actually easier and less costly than the processes involving traditional landlines. Don’t forget that a VoIP phone system, which incorporates multiple technologies such as video calling and conferencing, actually saves money by forgoing the need to purchase separate systems to provide those features.

If you have any questions about a VoIP phone system, or how you can improve your current system, call us today at 888-881-0805 or contact us here.

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