Our support staff at Ohio.net is dedicated to resolving your phone, web hosting, or web connection needs. Should you experience any major incidents or service disruptions on a dedicated business account, you can direct calls to emergency support by calling: 888.557.8893

After hours network support carries a $50.00 per half hour fee if the resolution is not an Ohio.net related issue (minimum ½ hour).

Please note after hour support is for emergencies and network level support only.  It is not for resolving end-user issues.  Abuse or misuse of the emergency contact procedure will result in the above charges assessed per incident or page.

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To provide you with the best price, we'll just need to gather some preliminary information. Please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch shortly with a quote.

Customer - Get a quote
What services are you interested in?
Does your company currently own VoIP phones?
Which of the following add-on features are required (in addition to standard PBX features)?
What is your time frame for implementation?

We are serious about privacy. We will never share your information with third parties. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

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